The Alpha Course
For those who are new to the Christian faith, each year we run a ten week introductory course called The Alpha Course. This course has been highly successful in the UK attracting over two million people since it started in 1993.
St. Mary's introduced the Alpha course several years ago and, as a result, many people have been blessed with coming to know Jesus Christ for themselves. Indeed everyone who has attended the course has found his or her faith strengthened and has also built new lasting friendships.
Why not come along and see for yourself!
What is Alpha?
The Alpha Course is for anyone interested in finding more about the Christian faith and people of all ages are most welcome.
It is possible to learn about the Christian faith and have fun at the same time!
People meet, listen to talks (often on video), eat together and share ideas in small groups making it an ideal opportunity to get to know and help one another. It is also an opportunity to share your own views and discuss issues raised in the talks.
Alpha is a place where no question is regarded as too simple or too hostile.
Who is Alpha for?
The Alpha Course is for Everybody!
- Those who want to brush up on the basics
- New Christians
- Newcomers to the Church
- Those who feel they never really got going as a Christian
- Anyone wanting to investigate Christianity
How does it work?
The course is run over 10 weeks and begins with a simple meal together followed by a talk and an opportunity to discuss any questions.
What will it cost?
There is no charge for attending the Alpha Course here at St. Mary's.
How do I join the next course?
If you are not sure or wondering what's it all about, please have a chat with our clergy or for more information contact our Priest in Charge David Stevenson.
For more information about Alpha go to: