Our Faith Groups
At St. Mary's, Faith Groups provide an important opportunity for everyone to develop their Christian Faith through Bible study, fellowship and prayer. Our aim in running Faith Groups is that we may all come to know Jesus Christ better and to grow in our faith together within a warm and friendly fellowship outside of our normal church environment.
What is a home group?
A home group is a small group of people who meet together on a regular basis, usually in someone's home, to enjoy fellowship, build friendships, develop and deepen their Christian faith and share what it means for them to be a Christian in their everyday lives. Of course, small groups like this help to make it easier for everyone to get to know each other and provide the support that isn't always possible in the larger church.
What happens in a Faith Group?
All our Faith Groups are fairly free to choose what they do in their meetings but it is generally anticipated that each group will follow a series of topics often decided by the group themselves. In addition to bible study and prayer Faith Groups may run parties, visits, evenings out together or whatever. . . . ! Please don't let any of this put you off because no one will ever be asked to do anything that they don't feel comfortable with.
How often do Faith Groups meet?
Generally Faith Groups meet fortnightly on Wednesday or Thursday evenings - usually on the 2nd & 4th weeks of each month but different Faith Groups meet on different days and at different times to suit their members. Of course, it is not a requirement that members should attend every Faith Group meeting and no-one will ever be made to feel guilty when they are unable to make it.
How do I join a Faith Group?
Anyone is welcome to join any of our homegroups at any time. If you would like to join one of our homegroups please contact the Rev. Stevenson in the first instance.