The Phoenix Youth Cafe

The Phoenix Youth Cafe at St. Mary's is available for children aged from 9 to 14 (school years 5-9) and our aim is to provide a safe place to make friends, have fun, be creative and take part in a wide range of interesting, enjoyable and immersive activities. Youth ministry will also be available.
During each meeting every child will be provided with free refreshments in the form of a snack and a drink.
Each meeting lasts for two hours and they are held on the last Sunday of each month from 5.00pm until 7.00pm.
Entry to each meeting costs £1 per child and all are welcome.
Current meeting schedules planned for 2022:
30th January
27th February
27th March
24th April
29th May
26th June
31st July
28th August
25th September
So far, with the help of our church community, we have been able to hold two fantastic fundraising events:
Special Events like these have helped to purchase much needed equipment and also fund an outing to Tenpin Bowling which the children thoroughly enjoyed, some of whom had never had the opportunity before.
This year we are hoping to provide more outings for the children and we are currently planning to take part in our first Youth Camp during the Summer.
The Phoenix Youth Cafe Prayer
(specially devised by our young members)
Dear Lord, Thank you for the Phoenix Youth Cafe and making this day as special as the others.Thank you for bringing everyone together to have fun. Amen
The Phoenix Youth Cafe Leaders:
Diane Stevenson
Jane Ellis
Duncan Bridgeman
Shirley Smith